Paleo Bone Broth Latte

Paleo Bone Broth Latte: Fast, Easy and Delicious

I have a new obsession.

I’ve been making Paleo Bone Broth Lattes all winter and now that it’s summer, you’d think I would stop.

But I can’t and I won’t.

This recipe is just so simple and perfect. Plus, it works every single time; it’s fool proof. If you get bored easily, you can add additional spices and even change up the bone broth flavor. I prefer Poultry Bone Broth (chicken and turkey) but Beef Bone Broth is equally delicious! Continue reading “Paleo Bone Broth Latte: Fast, Easy and Delicious”

Paleo Tigernut Chocolate Mini Cake

Paleo Tigernut Chocolate Mini Cake

Have you ever made anything with the “Easy Bake Oven”? I loved making their chocolate cake. The reason I think I liked it so much was because it was mini sized; which meant I didn’t have to share. FYI… My problem isn’t with sharing. It’s with other people putting their forks in my food.

(Yes, I have food issues… I can see my mom, my daughter and my boyfriend all rolling their eyes in unison.)

These days, I still adore chocolate cake but I’ve transitioned from baking with a light bulb to using a real oven. And, obviously, I’ve upgraded my ingredients. Continue reading “Paleo Tigernut Chocolate Mini Cake”