Feminist Text

Big Boobs and Feminism: What Does a Feminist Look like?

I was talking with my daughter the other day about boobs.

If you’ve ever met or seen either one of us it wouldn’t take you long to figure out the “why” of that riddle.

We had just come from a very successful bra shopping sidewalk sale experience at SOL in Denver. Which on the surface wouldn’t seem that strange. But if you have large breasts or know someone that has large breasts (bigger than a DD) then you know how hard it is to find a bra that fits, feels comfortable, looks good and offers more than one option in your size. Continue reading “Big Boobs and Feminism: What Does a Feminist Look like?”

Dia Kline

Finding The Path You’re On

How do you know when you’re on the right path?

If I feel like a salmon swimming upstream then that’s a pretty good indication I’m not going in the right direction. But how do you know when your effort is simply you working hard versus you working hard on a trajectory that isn’t going anywhere? This is my story about how I found my path, or more accurately how two strangers pointed me in the right direction.  Continue reading “Finding The Path You’re On”

Finding me

Finding Me: The Story of a Brand

When you are your brand, you have to figure out who you are.

You not only have to pick a message and mission but you have to pick a font and a logo. It’s not enough to simply be… you have to show people who you are.

I’m a rule breaker and I prize my individuality. Not the hardest brief for a designer but still, I’m a fun riddle. I needed a designer to help synthesize “me” into a brand. How do I want you to see me? Continue reading “Finding Me: The Story of a Brand”

Happy Birthday Fucker

Adventures in Parenting

Parenting is hard.

It’s hard when the two parents actively love each other and it gets even harder when they don’t. You can end up doing it all on your own or even worse, working against the parenting style of your ex. Parenting as a single parent can be exhausting on the best of days, a blood bath on the tough days and a sucker punch to the face on the really bad days. Continue reading “Adventures in Parenting”